Well it finally happened. Nicole and I have created a mini-me!
In case you don't know already Nicole and I are preggers! Holla! Nicole and I are very excited! We went to Virginia College a week or so ago to see if we could find out if we were having a boy or a girl. At first we didn't think we were going to be able to tell. Then out of nowhere a little wee-wee appeared! A boy! Wooh Whooo! Willie Saban-Hays Beckham is here!!
Just kidding Nicole I know he is really William Hays Beckham and will go by Will.
I have include some ultrasound pictures including a picture of his wee-wee! Sorry Will I know you might see this some day, but hey be proud!
Nicole is showing a little more everyday. She has really been graceful throughout. There really haven't been any angry outbursts, cramps were bad at first but now are minor. Nicole's sleep schedule has been kind of Senior Citizen (falling asleep at 8:30 and waking up around 4 or 5) But that's okay little Will needs his rest!
I don't know if the little guy will grow up to be the next Steve Nash, but I am sure he will be athletic. I hope he gets Nicole's speed and jumping and get's my hand eye coordination.
I think Max knows something is up. He seems a little more clingy to mommy lately. I am not sure how Max will react to little Will. My guess is that he will give him a big wet kiss!
Enjoy the pics!! -Smeag
Here is a picture from the side